Community Information

WCA has created this page to share information and updates about activity occurring on our Azusa Foothills Open Space lands including the Rosedale Open Space. 


March 18, 2024

HANA Resources will be conducting a biological survey of the Rosedale Open Space in the coming months. The biological survey will inform WCA’s work to balance fire resilience and biodiversity on our Wildland Urban Interface lands. Concurrent to the survey, the team will also be formulating a sustainable land management plan that recommends strategies for invasive species management. You may see the  HANA biology team accessing the land via the Beatty Canyon service road at the end of East Viewcrest Drive in Azusa in the coming week, starting Monday March 18 at 8am.

WCA will hope to share updates and discoveries via social media and on this webpage. 

Please contact WCA at 626-815-1019 with any questions or concerns.


June 19, 2024

Hana Resources shared this write up about their work at Rosedale on LinkedIn. Read the original post here.

🌿 Bears, Bobcats, and Biodiversity: HANA's Journey with Rosedale Open Space 🌿 We are thrilled to announce that HANA has been retained by the Watershed Conservation Authority (WCA) to develop a comprehensive Land Management Plan (LMP) for the Rosedale Open Space. This 200-acre gem, nestled in the foothills of Azusa, presents a unique opportunity to showcase effective, nature-based solutions to land management. Our team is conducting a series of technical studies, including a Biological Resources Evaluation, utilizing innovative methods such as coverboards and camera stations to gather critical data. These efforts are essential for crafting a plan that addresses the challenges posed by invasive, non-native vegetation and works towards achieving WCA’s vision. Key objectives of the Rosedale Open Space LMP include: 🌳 Improved site hydrology 🌼 Increased biodiversity 🔥 Creation of a fire-resilient landscape 🌿 Enhanced community connection to nature Our initial surveys have documented the diverse wildlife and vegetation, and mapped various vegetation communities, including post-fire successional stages of coastal sage scrub, and chaparral. We are committed to restoring this heavily invaded site, creating a sustainable and vibrant ecosystem for future generations to enjoy. Stay tuned for updates as we continue to make strides towards a healthier, more resilient Rosedale Open Space!


