The San Gabriel River Center and Water Conservation Demonstration Gardens is an upcoming 2+ acre demonstration facility and visitor resource center at the River Park (former Duck Farm) located in unincorporated Avocado Heights/La Puente. When constructed, the project will transform a 1929 Spanish colonial revival farmhouse into a waterwise educational resource and community center for the public. The Center will include opportunities to feature local art, celebrate local water resources, and have interpretation, displays and programming that will demonstrate and highlight practical strategies for water security and climate resilience.
The Center demonstration gardens will provide additional outdoor learning spaces for visitors and organized school groups. The site’s design and planting will encourage residents to retrofit high resource consumptive landscapes into functional sites that capture and conserve water using simple and aesthetically pleasing strategies. It will provide a clear example for residential landscapes to transition towards more resilient models showcasing water capture strategies such as rain gardens, bioswales, and cisterns, as well as presenting patterns of drought resistance built upon a foundation of native trees and shrubs.
The Center's location is identified as a "jewel" of the Emerald Necklace Park Network, making it an ideal environment to educate and provide information to visitors exploring this regional recreational and ecological resource. The project is funded by grants from the Rivers and Mountains Conservancy. Additional funding by Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County as part of a Settlement Agreement with the Regional Water Board.