Extending along a 1-mile stretch of the San Gabriel River, the approximately 30-acre River Park project is a work in progress as the WCA transforms this former agricultural Duck Farm site into an urban greenway in the San Gabriel Valley.
The park, when completed, will reconnect the community with nature and the river through a 1.5-mile trail loop, river overlook, native planting, demonstration garden, dry stream, picnic area, and interpretation. Improvements are structured to directly support climate resilience and resource management while also inspiring understanding and stewardship of the wider watershed. Located along the river this open space presents profound opportunities for nature-based solutions to support water management, flood management, habitat, cooling, air quality, greenhouse gas absorbing, and wellbeing for users in near-term and long-term improvements as part of a larger 80-acre master plan and east branch of the Emerald Necklace at the heart of a developing 130 miles of bike paths, trails, and green spaces across the San Gabriel Valley.
The River Park transformation started when first envisioned by the Sierra Club in 2001. Working together with the Trust for Public Land (TPL) and the Rivers and Mountains Conservancy (RMC) the property was acquired from Woodland Duck Farms by the WCA. Following a period of phytoremediation work to transition the commercial farm’s soil from nutrient rich ‘duck matter’ to native-plant-ready park landscape, the park's next construction phase is underway.
The park's native habitat will showcase natural floodplain processes and provides critical habitat and tree cover for local and migratory birds and other wildlife, while providing a place for park visitors to sit back, relax, and enjoy the vistas. Interpretive displays will offer ways to learn about the site, the river, history, green energy, and regenerative practices.