Watershed Conservation Authority (WCA) is requesting proposals from qualified entities to provide consultant services for a Report on Regional Biological Opportunities to support WCA’s San Gabriel Mountains and Foothills Open Space Acquisition Plan.
WCA invites the submission of proposals that are responsive to the requirements of the attached request for proposals (RFP). To be considered for award of contract, proposal submittals must be received by WCA by 3:00pm, November 7, 2019.
Questions regarding this RFP are welcome and shall be submitted to: [email protected] by 3:00 pm October 28, 2019. Note that WCA will share responses to questions and requests for clarification with other potential proposers through e-mail and the WCA website at https://www.wca.ca.gov/rfps
It is recommended that potential proposers inform WCA of their intention or interest in responding to this RFP. Such notification will allow for any supplemental information regarding this solicitation to be provided, including addenda and responses to questions.
View the complete RFP here [24 pp., 2.8 mb]
Responses to questions submitted
Q: Can you please provide a copy of Exhibit B to the Sample Agreement, which contains the indemnity and insurance provisions?
A: Please find Exhibit B of the Sample Agreement (two alternative Indemnification and Insurance Provisions) posted here [Exhibit B Alternative 1] [Exhibit B Alternative 2].
Q: Would it be acceptable to make a change in the Sample Agreement, Section 8 (Indemnity)? It currently requires indemnity for negligent, willful, or unlawful actions. Our preference would be to modify “willful” to “willful misconduct.”
A: Upon advice of our counsel the wording in this section shall remain as written.
Q: Will the TPL report include prioritization criteria that should be considered in the prioritization methodology recommended in the biological report?
A: The purpose of this RFP is to understand how biologists with extensive field experience in the San Gabriel mountains and foothills and broad knowledge of the field would consider the key issues, threats, and priorities to be, and how these would bear upon prioritization of privately owned parcels for acquisition. The biological consultant’s analysis may end up concurring with the TPL recommended parcels, or it may result in extensive revision of the TPL recommendations. Regardless of what the selected consultant advises, the report on regional biological opportunities should clearly articulate general criteria for prioritization based on science. WCA final priorities for acquisition will weigh biological, human, and practical factors.
Q: Will we be receiving accurate boundary/APNs for the TPL parcels?
A: The selected consultant will be provided with the shapefile and/or kmz of the TPL recommended parcels, showing their boundaries and APNs.
Q: How detailed will the report on human factors be (i.e., site-specific or very generalized)?
A: The finished report on human factors, produced by Lee-Anne Milburn, is expected to be 20-25 pages, and to treat the topics in a very general manner, with some specific observations for each municipality and conservancy.
Q: Will the raw data used from the TPL study be made available to the selected team to be used as a potential data source for preparing the Report on Biological Opportunities?
All of the data used by TPL is publicly available coarse scale national and state data. WCA does not have copies of the data, but can point consultants to the sources as cited by TPL.
Q: Are there applicable land/resource management plans within the project area, and will they be made available?
A: WCA can point the biological consultant toward the land/resource management plans that we know of in the project area, however, our list may not be comprehensive.