2019 March Board Meeting

A special public meeting of the Watershed Conservation Authority (WCA) will be held on

Thursday, March 21, 2019 at 1:30 pm
at the following location:

The Garvey Center, FGT Room
9108 Garvey Ave, Rosemead, CA 91770
Find Location on Google Maps

The agenda and detailed reports may be downloaded as PDF files by clicking on the titles listed below.

    Agenda [2 pages, 151kb]
6.     Approval of January 2019 Minutes [7 pages, 723kb]
7.   Election of Chair and Vice Chair
8.   Chair's Report


Executive Officer's Report
9.    Liaison & Activities Report [19 pages, 3.37mb]
10.   Expenditure Report [23 pages, 2.36mb]


Consent Calendar
11.   Funds Balance Report [2 pages, 567kb]
12.   Consideration of a resolution to authorize a contract amendment to LA County Department of Agriculture for weed abatement services. [8 pages, 6.87mb]
13.   Consideration of a resolution to approve signatory authority for Watershed Conservation Authority’s Chair and Vice Chair.  [19 pages, 1.59mb]


Regular Calendar
14.   Consideration of a resolution to receive and file the FY 17/18 WCA Financial Compliance Audit and related findings. [55 pages, 1.61mb]
15.   Consideration of a resolution to approve a Professional Services Contract with Houston Magnani and Associates for Funding Opportunities. [28 pages, 2.28mb]
16.   Consideration of a resolution to 1) approve an application to the Rivers and Mountains Conservancy for a grant to fund the Los Angeles River Flow Study project in the amount of $250,000; and, 2) if awarded, accept funds from the Rivers and Mountains Conservancy; and, 3) award a Professional Service contract to the Southern California Coastal Water Research Project (SCCWRP) to perform the Los Angeles River Environmental Flows Study Supplemental Analysis. [19 pages, 1.02mb]
17.   Consideration of a resolution to authorize release of a Request for Proposal for Design Build for the San Gabriel River Center Project at the Duck Farm.[10 pages, 2.89mb]
18.   Consideration of a resolution to authorize The Chair or designee to negotiate and enter in to a professional services contract to provide services for Azusa Springs Water System. [82 pages, 8.5mb]
19.   Consideration of a resolution to award a professional services contract to Tidal Influence, LLC to conduct a Spring Biological Survey for Watershed Conservation Authority’s “Vasquez” Property. [21 pages, 3.84mb
20.   Consideration of a resolution to accept the donation of real property AINs 8636-047-021, 8636-047-022, 8636-047-023, 8636-019-001, 8636-019-006, and 8636-020-034 known as Colby Property from Glendora Community Conservancy in the foothills of the City of Glendora. [11 pages, 3.24mb]
21.   Closed Session: Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9, the Watershed
Conservation Authority may hold a closed session on the following item: Save Our
Access – San Gabriel Mountains v. WCA, et al., Los Angeles County Superior Court Case
No. 18STCP02904. 


Normal Meeting Schedule - Subject to change
The WCA Board normally meets on the Thursday before meetings of the board of the Rivers and Mountains Conservancy (RMC). The primary location is the Rosemead Garvey Center.

Jan. 17, 2019
1:30 p.m.
Rosemead Garvey Center
Mar. 21, 2019 
1:30 p.m.
Rosemead Garvey Center
May 16, 2019
1:30 p.m.
Rosemead Garvey Center
Jun. 20, 2019
1:30 p.m.
Rosemead Garvey Center
Jul. 18, 2019
1:30 p.m.
Rosemead Garvey Center
Sep. 19, 2019
1:30 p.m.
Rosemead Garvey Center
Nov. 14, 2019
1:30 p.m.
Rosemead Garvey Center


*Time or Date Change

For more information, contact the Watershed Conservation Authority at (626) 815-1019
or click here.