PCC § 10345, et al.
Request for Proposals (RFP) – Fire-resilience and Prevention on WCA’s Open Space Lands
Invasive Species Removal at Azusa Wilderness Park
The Watershed Conservation Authority (WCA) intends to select Outward Bound Adventures to provide services for Fire-resilience and Prevention on WCA’s Azusa Wilderness Park.
Should a proposer claim the WCA failed to follow the procedures specified in either subdivision (b) or (c) of PCC § 10344, protestant must submit the initial protest letter and a detailed, written statement of protest, including the RFP title, and WCA contact information to the following.
Watershed Conservation Authority
Attn: Executive Officer
CC: Regional Fire Task 4
100 N. Old San Gabriel Canyon Road
Azusa, CA 91702
All bidding and contracting questions should be directed to Watershed Conservation Authority at [email protected].
Notice Post Date: October 9, 2024
The Watershed Conservation Authority (WCA) is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for invasive species removal on the floodplain north of the San Gabriel River at Azusa Wilderness Park, located at 100 N Old San Gabriel Canyon in Azusa, in Los Angeles County.
The contract will be awarded to the best qualified Consultant whose proposal is determined to be the most advantageous to the WCA and the Project, based on demonstrated competence and on the professional qualifications necessary for the satisfactory performance of the services required at a fair and reasonable price. The successful Consultant may be awarded multi-year agreements on a fixed rate basis.
WCA encourages proposals for invasive species removal that promote Nature Based Solutions for improving fire resilience through improving site hydrology. Proposals for invasive species removal should minimize chemical use, promote water retention in landscapes, improve surface water quality, build soil, and promote natural reestablishment of native floodplain species. Innovative approaches may be suggested if scientific documentation points to their applicability for the current site conditions. If adequate data is not available, controlled experiments may be conducted to gather data that will inform sustainable land management. The Project seeks to forward sustainable land management approaches that are compatible with community stewardship and engagement.
The WCA encourages Small Businesses and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises to apply.
Potential proposers who would like to visit the sites which are the subject of this RFP may contact [email protected] to indicate their availability for a site visit on a weekday. WCA will seek to accommodate all proposers who indicate interest in a site visit.
Interested entities may view the full RFP here.
An addendum to the RFP is available here.
All questions should be directed to [email protected] with cc to [email protected]
Submittal Deadline: Monday, August 19, 2024 at 6pm
Please submit Proposals electronically to: [email protected] with cc to [email protected]
Hard copies of the proposals are NOT accepted. Facsimiles or Proposals submitted/passed through to WCA personnel, or personnel of related agencies, will not be accepted.