The WCA together with North East Trees and Amigos de los Rios will be hosting a community workshop where there will be information about the Gateway Greening Plan at the Camp Fire Long Beach Lodge on Monday November 23rd. The focus will be on the lower San Gabriel River. We will be hearing short presentation from experts about urban greening and active mobility initiatives, with opportunities for questions, group discussions, and mapping to listen to community interests in parks, open spaces, and greenways in and along the Gateway Cities and rivers. Registration is free, and food will be provided!
Find information about speakers and the event location below.
Please RSVP, invite other people that may be interested, and participate. Register here:
Claire Robinson, Amigos de los Rios | Regional Greening
Kekoa Anderson, Gateway Cities COG | Gateway Active Transportation
Mark Lopez, Office of Orange County 4th District Supervisor Shawn Nelson | Orange County Loop
Ray Thorn, Friends of the Colorado Lagoon | Urban Natural Restoration
Deborah Enos, Watershed Conservation Authority | Introduction to the Gateway Cities and Rivers Urban Greening Master Plan