2015 June Board Meeting

A public meeting of the Watershed Conservation Authority (WCA) was held on

Thursday, June 25, 2015 at 1:30 pm
at the following locations:

Primary location:
Los Angeles County Hall of Administration
3rd Floor, Room 383 (Room subject to change)
500 W. Temple Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Find Location on Google Maps

Secondary locations:
Gateway Cities Council of Governments (Gateway COG)
Conference Room
16401 Paramount Blvd, Paramount, CA 90723
Find Location on Google Maps


The agenda may be downloaded as PDF file by clicking below. Detailed descriptions of individual agenda items are posted below.

    Agenda [2 pages, 293 kb]
4.   Approval of Minutes [4 pages, 715 kb]
Executive Officer's Report
7.   Liaison & Activities Report [6 pages, 518 kb] (Updated 7/15/2015)
8.   Expenditure Report [3 pages, 713 kb]
9.   Fund Balance Report [2 pages, 680 kb]
Consent Calendar

Consideration of a resolution approving a contract for on-call property and landscape maintenance services. [28 pages, 2.5 mb]


Consideration of a resolution approving a contract for ranger services. [8 pages, 1.1 mb]


Consideration of a resolution to ratify the acceptance of Rivers and Mountains Conservancy grant for the Emerald Necklace Master Plan Project. [9 pages, 5.0 mb]


Consideration of a resolution to ratify a grant application to the California Transportation Commission Alternative Transportation Program for the San Gabriel River Bike Trail Gap Closure, Roundabout and Park Entry Improvements Project. [6 pages, 4.6 mb]

Regular Calendar


Consideration of a resolution approving the final budget for FY 15/16. [37 pages, 2.8 mb]


Consideration of a resolution authorizing an update to the designated signatory approval policy. [3 pages, 892 kb]


Consideration of a resolution approving a contract for funding opportunities professional services. [5 pages, 1.2 mb]


Consideration of a resolution to 1) approve a Master Participating Agreement with the Angeles National Forest to implement the San Gabriel Canyon Project; 2) to authorize Governing Board Chair, or Designee, to negotiate and enter into a Supplemental Project Agreement under the MPA for the San Gabriel River Cattle Canyon Improvements Project - Phase 1; and, 3) to authorize Governing Board Chair, or Designee, to negotiate and enter into a Supplemental Project Agreement under the MPA for the Crystal Lake Recreational Project. [39 pages, 4.2 mb] (Updated 6/24/15)


Normal Meeting Schedule - Subject to change
The WCA Board normally meets on the Thursday before meetings of the board of the Rivers and Mountains Conservancy (RMC). The primary location is the County Hall of Administration. Secondary locations are the Gateway Council of Governments (COG) and the San Gabriel Valley Water Company.

Jan. 22, 2015
1:30 p.m.
Co. Hall of Adm.
Mar. 19, 2015
1:30 p.m.
Co. Hall of Adm.
May 14, 2015*
4:00 p.m.
Co. Hall of Adm.
Jun. 25, 2015*
1:30 p.m.
Co. Hall of Adm.
Jul. 16, 2015
1:30 p.m.
Co. Hall of Adm.
Sep. 24, 2015
1:30 p.m.
Co. Hall of Adm.
Nov. 19, 2015
1:30 p.m.
Co. Hall of Adm.

*Time or Date Change

For more information, contact the Watershed Conservation Authority at (626) 815-1019 or click here.